Let's take the awkward out of the equation. Walking into a new environment for the first time can be intimidating. But it's easy here, we promise. You can expect to see a lot of little kids, young families, middle age and retired folks.
You might see a suit, but jeans and very casual dress will dominate. We're pretty relaxed about our attire around here. Feel free to walk right into the auditorium and grab a seat with your family, or you can check your children into our controlled and secure children's wing or nursery.
Our congregation is as diverse as the population of the Northern Neck. You'll find that we are multi-ethnic; we come in all colors, shapes and sizes. We wear jeans and T-shirts, suits and ties, and everything in between. You'll see flat-tops, high-and- tight, long hair, short hair, and no hair! You'll see that some of us are inked (even the Associate Minister) and some of us are too afraid of needles for tats. Our blend of people has earned us the dubious nickname in the area as "The Church of the Misfits," and that's fine with us! We're just happy to serve a God who has a place where even misfits fit in.
9:00 AND 10:45 AM
We exist to lead people to Christ, helping them to mature in their relationship with Him, teaching and enabling them to minister to others both inside and outside the family of God, to provide opportunities to share and fellowship together, that in all things we might bring glory to God.
As God leads, we will continue to provide for the needs of our congregation as well as those who do not yet know Christ by planning and preparing facilities and staff to accommodate our growth.
We’ve kind of been around the block since our first gathering in a private home in Burgess in 1978. We’ve met in a rented house, a rented school, and for 37 years we met in our facility just east of Indianfield on 360. In March of 2017, we completely renovated the former Warsaw Supermarket location after purchasing that, the satellite building, and the strip mall. We’ve moved our entire operation here – right beside Tractor Supply. We’ve had the unique opportunity to pave our own roads and break some of the old rules about how church is supposed to be done. We have only two rules: To try our best to align ourselves with what the Bible says . . . and to make sure that what we do actually meets needs and makes a difference.
In the last two decades, we’ve grown from a church of 32 to over 500 today. And we feel like we’re just getting cranked up!
We are sensitive to and genuinely interested in people who don’t know Jesus or who don’t go to church. RCofC is conservative in how we read the Bible but progressive in our methodology.
We will do anything we can to build relationships with people outside the walls of the church.
People best grow spiritually when they are connected relationally.
We support families by prioritizing ministry to kids and teenagers.
Following Jesus means to sacrifice time, money, and resources for the sake of His Kingdom.
We try hard to figure out what the Bible says about all topics. And where the Bible speaks, we speak.
Ministry happens when volunteer leaders are sold out for the mission of RCofC.
We are a church that leans on the side of Grace.